Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind Announced as Charity Partner to Rochestown Park Hotel.

Friday, March 07, 2025. 1:26pm
Tim OMahony CEO IGDB-with Steve Cox Sales and Marketing Manager Rochestown Park Hotel-with Assistance Dogs Rebel and Gordo
Tim O’Mahony CEO IGDB with Steve Cox, Sales and Marketing Manager Rochestown Park Hotel, with Assistance Dogs Rebel & Gordo.
Pictures John Allen

Cork’s Rochestown Park Hotel has announced Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind as their charity partner to support the organisation’s mission to provide mobility and independence to those who are vision impaired and the families of children with autism.

Since 2022, the Rochestown Park Hotel has supported a variety of initiatives to help raise awareness about the role of autism assistance dogs and of how they assist, not just the children with whom they are matched, but the entire family unit. During this time, many members of the management and staff of the hotel volunteered their time to fundraise for, and advocate on behalf of, families with autism.

The hotel supported the conceptualisation and promotion of a comprehensive awareness programme, the initial aim of which, was to inform employees, guests, diners and leisure club members of how to adapt or modify their behaviour, when they encounter families accompanied by an assistance dog, not just in a hospitality or leisure setting, but anywhere. This programme soon became a national success and received coverage on television, on the airwaves and in print media. 

The Rochestown Park Hotel team is confident that they can use their experience to help support Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind’s strategic plan, PAWS

  • Promoting accessibility and inclusion within businesses, education, representative bodies, sporting organisations and society at large. 
  • Awareness raising and fundraising activities across all levels of organisations and communities.  
  • Working to educate about the role of our Guide, Assistance and Community Dogs and how they are bred, raised, trained, and matched with our clients. 
  • Supporting clients and families so that they feel empowered to live independent and enriched lives within their communities and workplaces.

At the official launch of the partnership, Steve Cox, Sales & Marketing Manager at the Rochestown Park Hotel, said, “The hotel has a very long tradition of community engagement, which fits perfectly with the grassroots approach that the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind is so well known for. Therefore, we believe that now is an ideal time for us to broaden our awareness-raising activities for the benefit of a wider community, to include those who are vision impaired and the families of children with autism.”

Tim O’ Mahony, Chief Executive of Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, said, “We are delighted to have the support of the Rochestown Park Hotel team and are deeply grateful for their proactive approach in raising awareness of our work.By educating staff about the important role of guide dogs, assistance dogs and community dogs, they’re fostering more inclusive and supportive communities. Their backing of our access rights campaign* is especially vital as 83% of our clients continue to face challenges despite having the legal right to access these spaces

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