‘Summer in Dublin’ to further enhance capital’s reputation for outdoor entertainment
Dublin’s reputation as the leading city for outdoor entertainment will be further enhanced in the coming weeks with a series of musical, artistic and dance performances across the capital.
Business group Dublin Town, the collective voice of businesses in the city centre, and Dublin City Council’s City Coordination Office, have joined forces to highlight the allure for families of summer in the city.
A series of free outdoor activations titled ‘Summer in Dublin’ will take place on Sunday afternoons, starting this weekend, July 7, until Sunday, August 25 between 4.00-8.00pm.
Activities will take place with the co-operation and input of local businesses.
The city is set to become even more vibrant and colourful with a series of cultural performances and activities lined up for locals and visitors to enjoy.
Dublin’s rich cultural tapestry will form a backdrop to fun experiences in the city centre.
Summer in Dublin will bring free fun, keeping people entertained as they shop, socialise and take in the culture the city centre has to offer.
Pop up activations involving street performers and musicians will take place across the city centre at locations from South Ann Street to Drury Street on the southside and, Liffey Street, Capel Street, North Earl Street by the Portal and Wolfe Tone Park on the northside.
Musical attractions include New Orleans-style New Brass Kings, three-piece trad band Sin Deri Si and Latin group Havana Club Trio.
There will also be a fantastic collection of Irish, Bolivian, and Latina dancers and aerial artists.
The streets will also be filled with the musical stylings of locally based Sam Clifford, Sarah Fitzsimon, and Adam Grimes.
Local visual arts will also play a huge part, from the creation of murals to vibrant street displays.
“With a mix of music, dance, art, the pop up activations will not only celebrate Dublin’s cultural diversity, but also provides a chance to get together as a community and support local talent,” said Dublin Town CEO, Richard Guiney.
“There is so much to do in Dublin City Centre for people of all ages said Karl Mitchell, Director of Services for Dublin City Council.
“Summer in Dublin has been organised especially to encourage people to experience all that is good about the city at this time of year.”
Further information is available at www.dublintown.ie or www.dublin.ie