“Excitement Builds for Tipperary Rose Tour, Warm Welcome for International Rose Tour of Tipperary”
An International Rose of Tralee Festival delegation of sixteen Roses, will be visiting County Tipperary on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th August. Eight Irish roses will be joined by eight international roses on the visit supported by Tipperary Tourism and Tipperary County Council. Aisling O’Donovan, The Tipperary Rose officially launched the visit with the recently appointed Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council Cllr. Roger Kennedy and representatives from Tipperary County Council, Tipperary Tourism and The International Rose of Tralee Festival in Fethard today.
Aisling O’Donovan, a primary school teacher who is thoroughly enjoying the whirlwind of Tipperary Rose duties bestowed upon her since she was crowned Tipperary Rose back in March, commented “It’s such an honour to represent Tipperary at such a prestigious and iconic event.”

“Today is very special indeed, to launch the roses ‘Tour of Tipperary’ visit, here at Fethard Horse County Experience against the backdrop of the old town walls in my hometown of Fethard is so fitting and a real privilege, I can’t wait to give the roses a real taste of our beautiful county next month.”
Commercial Manager of the Rose of Tralee international Festival, Steve Conly commented “I’ve had a sneak peek at the itinerary and its absolutely incredible, the girls are in for a fantastic treat in Tipperary. We were here eleven years ago and had a great time visiting the many iconic areas and there’s a huge appetite for this visit. It’s wonderful to see Aisling here today to launch this partnership in her hometown of Fethard with Marie Phelan from Tipperary Tourism, who is doing a marvellous job pulling it all together, we can’t wait.”
Cllr. Roger Kennedy, Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council said “naturally here in Tipperary we continue to build our reputation in the Irish tourism market and we consider tourism very important for the county. Tipperary County Council is delighted to be involved in the Rose of Tralee Festival and it offers us a wonderful chance to show off our beautiful county which is in itself a rose.”
He continued “I knew Aisling when she was a child, she might not remember but back in those days the polling station for my area covered her homeplace and what a wonderful young lady she has become, a credit to her parents, her community, the county and most of all herself and that’s what makes a great rose, we’re very fortunate to have her representing Tipperary and wish her the very best of luck.”
Joe MacGrath, Chief Executive, Tipperary County Council commented “Tipperary County Council and Tipperary Tourism are delighted to be associated with the Rose of Tralee Festival. There is a long-standing association with the Rose of Tralee Festival here in Tipperary and we were very keen to continue to be part of that and to be part of the Rose story and it’s iconic brand. Having worked in Kerry for a number of years, I am very much aware of the importance of the rose festival and what it brings to Tralee and County Kerry. We, in Tipperary, are ambitious for our county and more particularly for the growth of tourism and we know that these ambitions can be realised over time through the development of collaborations. This brand alignment offers a wonderful opportunity for the growth of the tourism product in Tipperary. I think it’s a win-win for all involved with this long standing and much appreciated festival and we are very happy to be part of it.”
Chairperson of Tipperary Tourism, Elizabeth Nallen Bowen commented “This visit will be fantastic for tourism in Tipperary, a real highlight on the calendar for all involved and one which allows us to showcase our beautiful county not only in Ireland but on the world stage.
Tipperary has been paired up with Philadelphia which is a great connection one that is most welcomed and we’re delighted. It’s all about really extending the hand of friendship to our visitors and showing them what we have on offer here in beautiful Tipperary.”
Remaining tight-lipped on the itinerary she said “the team at Tipperary Tourism have done an amazing job creating the perfect itinerary which is unique to Tipperary and one that will give all the Roses a real taste for the county, I’m sure they will thoroughly enjoy it.
There will be an official welcome reception at Hotel Minella on Saturday 13 August offering a wonderful opportunity to meet and mingle with the roses during their visit.