Pictured at the meeting were: Back row (l. to r.): JJ Kavanagh, Coach Tourism & Transport Council (CTTC), Con Quill, Irish Caravan & Camping Council, Marina Finn, Association of Irish Professional Conference Organisers (AIPCO), Brendan Kenny, Ireland’s Association for Adventure Tourism (IAAT), Con O’Donohue, Advisory Committee on Small Public Service Vehicles, Bernard O’Shea, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Stephen Cotter, Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ), Aaron Mansworth, Irish Hotels Federation (IHF), Adrian Cummins, Restaurants Association of Ireland (RAI), Niall Tracey, Head of Marketing, Fáilte Ireland, Maria Melia, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Steve Conlon, Irish Boat Rental Association, Eoghan O’Mara Walsh, Irish Tourism Industry Confederation (ITIC), Caeman Wall, Head of Economic & Industry Analysis, Fáilte Ireland, Amy Sweetman, Restaurant Association of Ireland, Trish Murphy, Fáilte Ireland. Front row: Maire Ni Mhurchu, Irish Self Catering Federation (ISCF), Miriam Kennedy, Head of the Wild Atlantic Way, Fáilte Ireland; Mary Doogan, B&B Ireland, Orla Carroll, Director of Product Development, Paul Keeley, Director of Regional Development, Fáilte Ireland, Donall O’Keefe, Licenced Vintners Association (LVA), and Liz Halpin, Head of Dublin with Fáilte Ireland.
Members of Fáilte Ireland’s Covid19 Industry Advisory Group met in person for the first time this week since the Group was set up in February 2020 to support the survival of the industry through the pandemic. It marked the 42nd meeting of the Group which is now focusing on tourism recovery and rebuilding businesses.
Pictured at the meeting were: Marina Finn, Association of Irish Professional Conference Organisers (AIPCO), Brendan Kenny, Ireland’s Association for Adventure Tourism (IAAT), Miriam Kennedy, Fáilte Ireland’s Head of the Wild Atlantic Way and Con Quill, Irish Caravan & Camping Council.
Pictured at the meeting were: Adrian Cummins, Restaurant Association of Ireland (RAI); Stephen Cotter, Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ); Liz Halpin, Head of Dublin Region and Caeman Wall, Head of Economic & Industry Analysis, Fáilte Ireland.
Pictured at the meeting were: Eoghan O’Mara Walsh, Irish Tourism Industry Confederation (ITIC); Mary Doogan, B&B Ireland; Donal O’Keeffe, Licensed Vintners Association (LVA), Orla Carroll, Director of Product Development and Caeman Wall, Head of Economic & Industry Analysis, Fáilte Ireland.